Reversing means reading code. Read this file, and find the flag!
Let's download the file and check the code.
Source code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Reversing is hard. But....not always.
# Usually, you won't have access to source.
# Usually, these days, programmers are also smart enough not to include sensitive data in what they send to customers....
# But not always....
if input("What's the password? ") == "csawctf{w3_411_star7_5om3wher3}":
print("Correct! Congrats! It gets much harder from here.")
print("Trying reading the code...")
# Notes for beginners:
# This is Python file. You can read about Python online, but it's a relatively simple programming language.
# You can run this from the terminal using the command `python3`, but I'll direct you to the internet again
# for how to use the terminal to accomplish that.
# Being able to run this file is not required to find the flag.
# You don't need to know Python to read this code, to guess what it does, or to solve the challenge.
We can see that the flag is mentioned as part of the code without any encryption or hashing.